La Nouvelle Medical Spa

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Best Combination of Acne Treatments in Ventura County

If you have acne or bad acne scars, don’t feel alone because that happens to everyone.  Experts report that up to 90 percent of all young adults and adolescents will have acne at one time or another. 

What exactly Acne is?

Acne is the skin ailment that is the most common throughout the world. Acne is not caused by eating greasy foods or chocolate, or because of poor hygiene. Instead, it develops when the skin’s sebaceous glands make extra oil, or sebum – a natural response to the hormone imbalances common in young adults. This is the time in life when the excess oil combines with skin cells and clogs the pores and just when you have a date with the cutest girl in school – you get inflammation, redness and pus or acne on your face. There are some other things that do aggravate the condition, but they aren’t grease and hamburgers – no, it stuff like wearing headbands and helmets, and stress will cause or aggravate the condition.


Laser Acne Treatments and Peels

The best treatment for this is Laser Acne Treatment, and it is beneficial for anyone who is suffering with mild to moderate inflammatory acne that is caused by the P. Acnes bacteria. These lasers are approved by the FDA for treatment on any skin type, while very rarely causing any scars or burns to occur. Patients report great success of removal of unwanted scars from acne with these laser treatments. Laser Acne Treatment do not require any down time or recovery time. Patients often return to their regular activities the same day they are treated.

Some medical spas also use microdermabrasion and peels to treat acne. Usually a doctor recommends one or another approach or a combination of treatments depending on acne and acne scar condition.

Treatment Areas

The areas that are the most common for treatment of acne are the chest, back, face and arms, but any area on the body where acne develops can be treated.

Number of Treatments Needed

Usually patients need 2-3 laser treatments to eliminate acne and 4-6 treatments to significantly lighten the scar and have them almost disappear. These treatments are separated 3 to 6 weeks apart. Laser Acne treatments are short and usually last about 45 to 60 minutes in length.

Line of Skin Care Products

There is also a wonderful line of creams that can be used to treat acne. Salicylic and glycolic acid is used in combination to allow better exfoliation and the sloughing of skin cells that are dead. This line of creams aids in the encouragement of the top layer of the skin to peel while at the same time re-establishing a normal skin replacements cycle and removing cells that interfere with oil drainage. There are also acne anti-bacterial, called Benzoyl Peroxide, for treatment of spotty areas. These acne kits contain a convenient wash, toning pad, treatment gel and sunscreen designed specifically for this use.

If you want laser acne scar removal consultations to get the process started to get rid of your unwanted acne scars, you can look for best acne treatments in Ventura County.

There are several treatments for acne and acne scars. Those include Laser Acne treatment, peels, microdermabrasion and sometimes special acne lines of products.
There are several medical offices in Southern California offering acne treatment programs. The leading one is La Nouvelle Medical Spa in Oxnard that offers all advanced acne treatments. You can check out their extensive library of acne treatment before and after photos on our website We also offer our special acne line.

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