La Nouvelle Medical Spa

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Finding Answers about the Tummy Tuck Procedure in Ventura County

People often spend a lot of time trying to improve their outer appearance. Health, diet, generics, and body metabolism may be a few reasons why you do not have the appearance that you desire. You may have been a person that has spent many months or even years doing sit-ups and other similar exercises to decrease your stomach flab and have not been successful in your venture.

In cases such as this, you may think about having a cosmetic surgery procedure done, which is known as a tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty (abdominal plasty). This procedure involves removing the extra fat and skin from your body. The abdominal walls are also tightened during this procedure.

There are several medical facilities that offer this kind of surgery in Ventura County. Doctor Hanna is one of the most reputable doctors in the area. You will feel very comfortable and confident when you meet with him and discuss all your needs, concerns and your expectations. Only this way you will be able to achieve the best results. Dr. Hanna will show you a large library of before and after photos and will discuss the outcome of the surgery.

Although this type of procedure is successful for most people, it is not to be regarded as a quick alternative to weight loss. In other words, only resort to this sort of procedure, if all other means for weight loss control have been exhausted.

Abdominoplasty before and after by Dr Hanna of La Nouvelle Med Spa
You may also be wondering if you are a prime candidate for this procedure. This cosmetic procedure is suitable for men and women who are in good overall health. Dr. Hanna may also elect to perform liposuction while you are having the tummy tuck procedure done.

Those that have been obese at one point in their lives may also want to have a tummy tuck procedure performed. This is done to tighten up loose skin and remove excessive fat deposits from the body. A tummy tuck procedure is not recommended for women who are of childbearing age or who wish to have more children. The reason for this is because the vertical muscles in your body are tightened, and future pregnancies will or can separate these particular muscles.

Permanent scarring can and will often occur with a tummy tuck procedure. But don't be too worried! Unlike in many other offices, we offer several treatments that help those scars almost disappear! 

The abdominoplasty procedure will take anywhere from one to five hours. The period is according to your specific needs and the complexity of the procedure itself. The best part is that we perform this procedure as an outpatient! You will be able to return home the same day (you just need someone to drive you home). You will be put to sleep with a general anesthesia, which will leave you a little drowsy.

There are two types of tummy tuck procedures that are performed. One is the complete abdominoplasty. When this type of procedure is performed, your abdomen is cut from hipbone to hipbone. This is performed on patients who require the most correction. The incision will be made low on your abdomen. It will be almost at the same level of your pubic hair.

Abdominoplasty before and after by Dr Hanna of La Nouvelle Med Spa

The partial or mini abdominoplasty is performed on patients who have fat deposits that are located in the area below the navel. In this type of procedure, shorter incisions are used.

The difference between the two procedures is of course, the amount or length of the incision, the healing and recovery time, and the belly button placement. In the mini procedure, the belly button is not often involved and there is no need to locate or make another opening for it. In the complete abdominoplasty, your tissue around your navel is cut and removed; therefore, your navel is restructured and has a new opening. When a mini abdominoplasty is performed, there is no need for navel manipulation.

In the mini procedure, less time is spent doing the procedure, and may be done with an endoscope. This type of procedure may take only one to two hours.

Here, at La Nouvelle Medical Spa, we offer both – complete and mini abdomianl plasty procedures in our office in Oxnard, Ventura County.

Dr. Hanna specializes in tummy tucks and liposuction; he also has over 25 years of experience in c-sections so his scars are always nice and precise. View the extensive library of our abdominalplasty before and after photos and see why we are the best office for abdominoplasty in Ventura.